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Gift Registries Can Bring in New Customers

Bridal Table
Patricia Jane's Baby Registry
Patricia Jane & Co.

I am convinced that our customers have the best marketing ideas around. A few weeks ago we visited with several of our local customers – including Patricia Jane & Company in Hendersonville, TN. I love what they are doing with gift registries.

They have a cute baby gift registry. When a new mother-to-be registers, they give her a big shopping bag and she roams around the store and fills it with items she would like. The store then arranges these items on a shelf or a set of shelves with her name, due date, and other information. Of course, this shelf is smack in the middle of the baby section of their store.

Patricia Jane & Co.

They also have a unique way of handling the bridal registry too. They set a table with the tableware and other gifts selected as well as a picture of the bride and groom and the wedding date. Under the table (discreetly hidden by the tablecloth) are some of these items already wrapped and ready to go. What a time saver! Also on this table is the list of gifts that wouldn’t fit on the table top.

Several stores have registries for birthdays and keep “hubby” lists for special occasions like anniversaries and special days. They call to remind the spouse or family member about the date and what’s on the list. One store offers to wrap it and have it ready to pick up on the day. That’s over the top service and sure to result in a repeat customer.

When a new mom or bride places your store on her shower invitations or tells her friends where to shop, you are likely to have people in your store who have never shopped with you before and who may not even have know about your store. It’s a win-win situation for everyone.

Place signage in your store about your registries, advertize them in your local paper and on Facebook & Twitter (remember tweet early and tweet often!). You will be soon be the place to go for those special occasion gifts. Don’t forget the free gift wrap and place your store label or card on every gift that goes out your door. There will be people at the wedding or shower who don’t know about you and this is a good way to get the word out about your wonderful customer service.

Kathy Green
Nashville Wraps Packaging Consultant


Kathy works with the Nashville Wraps’ Marketing Team as a packaging consultant and photo stylist. She is also a Master Gardener and enjoys her greenhouse and garden, three spoiled dogs, hubby and grandkids in her spare time. She also loves any kind of craft and spends rainy days in the art studio she shares with her creative husband, Bill.

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