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Nobody Reads My Blog

Nobody Reads My Blog

It’s been a year since I found a curiously wrapped package on my desk here at Nashville Wraps. It was close to my birthday, so I figured maybe I wasn’t forgotten after all. It was from my sister … suddenly a flash from Lost in Space came to mind … “Danger, Will Robinson!”

Well, in perfect sister-style irony, it was a black t-shirt with white letters that simply read, “Nobody Reads My Blog”. I knew then how Charlie Brown felt as Lucy snatched the football away. I still have the t-shirt, and it still makes me smile because I know it has ring of truth to it.

But really, the blog posts here on the Nashville Wraps Blog fortunately don’t depend on me to write them; instead they are written by many talented and dedicated people (my sister included). These people do the research, brainstorm, talk to customers, create videos, craft cute ideas, share how-to’s, and generally pour themselves into some truly remarkable content, week after week.

I look forward to see what they will come up with next, to be honest, although I probably haven’t told them that enough. Even though I’m right down the hall from them, I use Google’s Feedburner to watch over the blog site and send me a notice when a new blog is posted. It’s easy and convenient, so while I rarely give a plug for Google products, this one is worth a mention.

Thanks to our main blog crew: Kathy Green, Buffie Baril, and Priscilla Medders!

Robby Meadows
Nashville Wraps

Nashville Wraps

Nashville Wraps is the leader in eco-friendly gift & gourmet packaging. Our focus is beautiful packaging, competitive prices, fast shipping and taking care of our customers. We listen, and we care about your success. Most of all, we want to make your business look good.

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